July 1, 2024

Happy July! I hope you’re finding ways to stay grounded amidst all the geopolitical turmoil, which seems to be increasing by the day. My feeling is that before long Mother Earth will have had enough of humanity’s incendiary nonsense and will do her best to shake us up so we remember who’s really in charge!

Do any of you remember the Simon & Garfunkel song, Scarborough Fair? Even though it’s a mythical place, I often find myself thinking about it and wanting to live there. I can’t fathom why the entire world can’t be one giant Scarborough Fair, with humans of every creed and color happily trading, eating, singing, and dancing. My plan is to spend the rest of my life creating a version of Scarborough Fair in my own little corner of the world. I hope you will come visit!

Back to Reality

So-called “pelvic floor surgery” continues to feed the beast called “Women’s Health.” I was outraged to see the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (which used to be called something like the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Institute of Woman and Child Health before the transsexual movement erased the words “woman” and “mother” from our vocabulary), railroaded 360 post-hysterectomy women into a study comparing the same old devastating surgeries used in literally thousands of similar clinical trials. The title of the Medscape article is Which Surgery for Vaginal Vault Prolapse? No Clear Winner. Honestly, they’ve used almost those exact same words time and time and time again.

Eunice Kennedy Shriver would roll over in her grave if she only knew that women are mere fodder for one of the most profitable sectors of the medical-pharmaceutical-industrial complex.

If any of you are post-hysterectomy and wondering what is the best surgery for vaginal vault prolapse, I cover the subject thoroughly in my video course First Aid for the Post-Hysterectomy Woman. The take-home message here is don’t part with your uterus under any circumstances, as removing the uterus itself results in head-to-toe changes, and there is no good surgery for post-hysterectomy prolapse.

“Gender-Affirming” Surgery

So if approximately 43% of post-hysterectomy women (the number is probably far higher) suffer vaginal vault prolapse, where the entire vagina turns inside-out resulting in an enormous bulge that must be addressed surgically, why aren’t the parents and teachers pushing for sex-change operations for pre-pubertal children told this? Because as I’ve been shouting from the rooftops since 2003, with few exceptions the medical system is one of the most corrupt enterprises on earth.

If you haven’t heard of whistleblower Eitan Haim MD, this short clip will give you a glimpse into his fight against the depraved world of Texas Children’s Hospital and gender-affirming surgery. I heard he was actually arrested by federal agents a few days ago, which gives you an idea of how powerful these people are. He deserves our prayers!

Here is a story of a man who de-transitioned after living as a trans-woman for most of his adult life. I include it here only because it is such a beautiful and powerful example of how we can heal from anything. I just love this man’s spirit and pray for his continued well-being.


I mentioned in my May newsletter that I had developed a cataract in my right eye, which I’m determined to heal on my own. I’m happy to report that my vision has definitely improved. I haven’t had time to research cataracts, so don’t yet know if it is an oxidative process that happens on top of the lens, or a deeper metabolic process underneath. As anyone knows who has experienced a cataract, it physically feels like something is in your eye, but blinking and wiping do no good. That symptom has drastically improved.

Most startling is that colors became drab. When I covered my right eye, I would see shades of pinks and reds normally, but with my left eye covered those same colors became shades of tan and brown! That was the most disheartening symptom, and I’m happy to say the color balance in that eye has almost returned to normal.


The cataract came on extremely suddenly. It’s like one day I couldn’t see normally, nor get the “object” out of my eye. I didn’t feel like running to the eye doctor however, because the symptoms were pretty easy to self-diagnose. I did commit to healing it asap!

One amazing synchronicity that happened almost immediately, was that as I was putting my homemade apple cider vinegar on a skin cancer on my face (more on that later), I accidentally splashed some in my right eye. It burned like heck, but an hour or so later I had a little inkling that my sight was ever-so-slightly improved in that eye. So I Googled “apple cider vinegar for cataracts” and discovered that people are actually doing it! So to this day, each morning first thing, I dab both my eyes with a vinegar-soaked, organic cotton ball. I keep my eyes closed while dabbing, then open them slightly for the vinegar to seep in. It really burns, but as soon as you wipe them with a clean towel, the burning immediately stops.

I don’t think the vinegar would’ve done the job on its own however. And I have to put in a word on the importance of making your own apple cider vinegar. I’ve learned so much about the importance of culturing local microorganisms from our own environment. In other words, it’s not the acidity of the vinegar that’s most important, but our native microbes doing the work of restoring those tissues.

Retinol, the animal form of vitamin A has helped the most I believe. Retinol is something missing from many of our diets - it certainly was mine. It takes something like 23 units of carotene, the vegetable form of vitamin A, to form one unit of retinol. Yet it is retinol that we dearly need for healthy eyesight. Raw egg yolk is a fine source of retinol, which we’ve been putting into smoothies on a regular basis.

For reasons that remain a mystery, in 2020 I planted from seed a couple of clary sage plants. Clary sage is a biennial, which means it winters-over, blooms the second year, and then dies. I started making green smoothies with clary sage that first summer, I’m not really sure why. One day about 30 minutes after finishing our smoothie, something possessed me to look deeply into my eyes in the mirror. I was absolutely shocked that my pupils were literally lit up from the inside - I could actually see light inside my pupils!

That experience sent me searching for everything I could find about clary sage. The old English or Celtic word for the plant meant “clear eye”, but many of the modern interpretations seemed silly. Such as, “In folklore, clary sage was known for helping to remove foreign objects from the eye”.

When I started having vision problems, I immediately flashed back to my experience with clary sage, and felt certain that what the old folklore really meant was that the plant was helpful in removing cataracts. No doubt the modern medical system has had a hand in twisting the original meaning.

I really hadn’t planned on having much of a garden this year (our final summer in New Mexico), and didn’t have time to plant them from seed, so ordered some starter plants from thegrowers-exchange.com and got them in the ground right away. They’re not as robust as my first plants were, but they’ve already given us many of their big, dark green velvety leaves, which I’m so grateful for.

So here is my recipe for the smoothie that I believe has played the biggest role in stabilizing and reversing my cataract symptoms:

  • 1 package frozen blueberries (fresh would be lovely!)
  • 3/4 cup organic brown flaxseed
  • 6 medjool dates
  • 3 raw pasture-raised egg yolks
  • 3 or 4 large clary sage (Salvia sclarea) leaves
  • A dozen or so common sage (Salvia officinalis) leaves
  • Juice of 2 limes

Blend the blueberries, flaxseed, and dates with a quart of filtered water until smooth. Add remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Add a quart of ice cubes and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Seedcraft Publishing

Our publishing company is quickly coming to life! The store isn't quite set up yet, but in the next few days we’ll be sending out news about my excellent book (if I do say so myself), Save Your Hips, and Lanny’s marvelous little book, Becoming - Evolving in a World That Holds Us Back. My world-changing CLOT SHOT book is in the wings, and my much-loved Saving the Whole Woman, and Lanny’s amazing book, The End of Management, will soon follow. Please purchase our books and help us move the Whole Woman Center to Maine this fall!

Best wishes always,

Christine Kent
Whole Woman