For the Recordings -
Presenters for the 2021 Whole Woman Conference

Christine Kent RN
Whole Woman Founder and author of the influential books Saving the Whole Woman and Save Your Hips, as well as dozens of videos and video courses.
Christine's groundbreaking work on female pelvic health has kept thousands of women out of the operating room and living full and active lives successfully managing prolapse, urinary incontinence, chronic hip and knee pain naturally, without dangerous drugs of surgery.
Since 2003, Christine's work is giving birth to a revolution in women's health based on alignment with Nature and self-care.

Ruth Ever MPH, CWWP*
A public health educator and trainer for the past 30 years, Ruth’s first passion was women’s health. After suffering prolapse herself, Ruth found Christine’s work and immediately knew she was on the right path, and soon regained control of her health, body and confidence.
Ruth works one-on-one, and also teaches classes and workshops in person and online with teachers from complementary modalities like Feldenkrais, Qi Gong and psychotherapy. She brings her training as a certified Psychosynthesis Life Coach to this work and loves helping women address the mental, emotional and physical blocks that get in the way of taking good care of themselves.
*CWWP - Certified Whole Woman Practitioner

Ginger Eby CWWP, LMT, CYT
Virginia “Ginger” Eby has been involved with healing since the late 1980s. Her interest in anatomy, movement, and healing led her first to massage therapy and then yoga. As a licensed massage therapist and certified yoga teacher, she treated patients at a Wellness Center for more than 10 years.
Having survived cancer herself and treating others with cancer through massage therapy and yoga has given her appreciation for the healing potential of complementary and alternative medicine.
After becoming a Whole Woman Practitioner studying under Christine Kent, whose incredible body of research and work was so powerful in her own personal healing, Ginger established a private practice in Cleveland, Ohio where she helps women restore their pelvic health.

Karen Athas-Lee CWWP
Inspired by her missionary experience working with women to overcome violence, abuse, poverty, and lack of educational opportunities (as well as devoting herself to the task of mothering four children), Karen understands that the journey to wellness and recovery is often both physical and emotional. Through her training as a Whole Woman Practitioner, she helps create a safe environment in which her clients tackle not only their physical maladies, but also the soul-churning questions that come up along any path towards healing.

Briana Green, JD
Briana Green is the Director of Operations at Mamatoto Village. She received her B.A. from Spelman College and her J.D. from Howard University School of Law. In 2015, Briana left the corporate world after practicing corporate law and being a real estate professional. Choosing to follow her passion for supporting women, she trained with and ultimately joined Mamatoto Village as a Perinatal Community Health Worker serving over 200 mothers. After several years of providing direct service to clients in the community, Briana transitioned to being Director of Operations in 2019, merging her legal and corporate background with her passion for maternal health equity.

Julie Duggan, DO CWWP
For almost 20 years Julie has been helping patients with acute and chronic pain due to injury, poor posture, overwork, hormonal imbalance and stress. With gentle manipulations of the skull, spine, sacrum, and internal organs, She realigns the body, balance the nervous system, and restore blood flow in order to reduce inflammation and allow healing to occur.
Her ultimate goal has always been to find the root cause of symptoms and enhance the self-healing potential of the body. Over the years, she has come to specialize in Women’s Health but it’s only when she started to combine the Whole Woman Work into her practice that sheI was truly able to find the root cause and offer sustainable solutions to organ prolapse, incontinence, and hip problems in women that too often are left to suffer alone and without answers.

Clare Dillon-Palma
The founder of Pilates of Greenville, Clare Dillon-Palma was born and raised in New York City. Her lifelong love of and participation in sports and fitness led to a BA in Health and Physical Education from Lehman College, City University of New York, and a MA in Applied Physiology from Columbia University.
Clare moved to Greenville in 1987 and began Pilates in 1998 with a mat certification, followed closely by full certification in the classical Pilates method.
She opened Pilates of Greenville in 2000, as a fully equipped Pilates studio. She has been teaching Pilates full time ever since. She began working with PeakPilates in 2003 as an instructor trainer for their teacher certification programs.
Clare and her husband have four children. She is still active in running, swimming, cycling, basketball, and especially Pilates!

Atava Garcia Swiecicki, MA, RH (AHG)
Atava’s healing work is guided by her Polish, Mexican, Hungarian and Diné ancestors. She is inspired by her plants and counselled by her dreams. She is an herbalist, healer, and teacher who is dedicated to remembering the healing traditions of her ancestors and supporting others to reconnect with their ancestral medicine. She is the founder of the Ancestral Apothecary School of Herbal, Folk and Indigenous Medicine on unceded Ohlone territory in Oakland, CA. She is currently living in New Mexico finishing her first book called The Curandera’s Toolkit.

Lindy Roy CWWP
With degrees in International Relations, Art Psychotherapy, and Certificates in Viniyoga, Active Birth Centre, Pregnancy Yoga, and Whole Woman Practitioner, Lindy is a well qualified & experienced yoga teacher who has specialized in yoga training for women & Whole Woman Yoga®
She lives in Wellington, Somerset in the beautiful S.W. of England, with husband & yoga teacher Ranju Roy. She works & teaches from her home-based yoga studio in her garden.
Lindy was devastated when she experienced pelvic organ prolapse. She benefitted so much from the Whole Woman approach, that she wanted to share this knowledge so other women have the opportunity to benefit as well.

Fritha Pengelly, MFA
Fritha is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitionercm , a Certified IOPS Practitioner, and a Certified EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Practitioner based in Northampton, MA. In 2013 she graduated from the Feldenkrais Professional Training Program at the Feldenkrais Institute of NY.
Fritha has over 30 years of dance and movement experience, and she spent seven years (1994-2001) performing and teaching nationally and internationally as a member of the New York City-based Doug Elkins Dance Company, serving as co-rehearsal director from 2000-2001.
Fritha received her M.F.A. in dance with a focus on anatomy and physiology from the University of Washington and currently teaches Awareness Through Movement® classes, Functional Integration® lessons, a variety of Feldenkrais® workshops, as well as Dance for Parkinson’s classes in Northampton and online.

Anna Hamilton CWWP
Anna is a yoga teacher, author, motivational and inspiring public speaker, mentor, strategic life coach, self-love teacher, a Certified Whole Woman Practitioner, remedial massage therapist, craniosacral therapist, myofascial release therapist, clinical nutrition consultant and bush flower essence practitioner.
Anna inspires women all over the world to lovingly take charge of their own health and healing.
Her message – learn to celebrate your body, your mind and soul, and dance and jump for joy, you don’t need an excuse to celebrate. You are already strong, sexy, powerful, beautiful, open, and naturally relaxed. This is your true state.
You can radically heal, fall in love with your beautiful whole, radiant self and come back to your TRUE state of wholeness. Everything you want in the future…you already have that inside you now!

Lisa Simpkinson CWWP
Lisa is a Pilates instructor, having owned her own studios for 14 years. She had done all the “right” exercises and still found herself with prolapse.
A few days after seeing a physiotherapist, Lisa heard about Christine Kent and Whole Woman®, and thought she had to give it a try. She diligently watched the videos and started the exercises and the results were pretty amazing. Within the first day of practicing the exercises she started to feel the benefits. She could literally feel the weight of her bladder lifting and decided that after 1-2 weeks she didn’t need the pessary she'd been given anymore.
Lisa is committed to educating women to question their practitioners and challenge the methods used to treat prolapse.

Brooke Grove, MA
Brooke consciously walked away from everything she once was, including credentials that she extensively trained to earn.
Through the grace of Spirit, she returned from systemic organ failure of her lungs, liver and kidneys, which resulted in a comatose state. During this time, she had a life-altering near-death experience. Afterward, she struggled for nearly a decade to re-integrate with her body and accept and nurture her intuitive gifts.
Now, no longer the psychotherapist, nor the academic she once was, Brooke became the free-Spirit that led her to pursue the paths she needed to find her way Home, and to share those gifts with others in need of healing.
As Brooke says, “As a Healer, I am just the guide, you are the expert.”

Susan Raven
Susan Raven is a singer, songwriter, author and speaker. She is also a long time student of Anthroposophy and an experienced workshop facilitator. Susan has worked with the exercises prescribed by Rudolf Steiner for seeing into the supersensible realms, and has trained with Dorian Schmidt, director of the Biodynamic Research Institute, in methods of supersensible perception.
Susan has spent the last 16 years living in the remote hills of mid-Wales, deepening her understanding of the Elemental Kingdom and gradually developing the faculty for perceiving this formative world and its inhabitants. In her work she speaks openly of her transformative experiences and has introduced spiritual-scientific concepts of the etheric world to many people over the years.
Susan is author of the book 'Nature Spirits: The Remembrance: A guide to the Elemental Kingdom'.

Betty J. Kovacs Ph.D.
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD received her doctorate from the University of California, Irvine, in Comparative Literature and Theory of Symbolic/Mythic Language. She taught Mythology and Fairy Tales as literary structures that reveal the organizing principles of human development, as well as Comparative Literature and Writing. She served for many years as Chair and Program Chair on the Board of Directors of the Jung Society of Claremont, California, and sits on the Academic Advisory Board of the Forever Family Foundation. Her books include...
Merchants of Light: The Consciousness That Is Changing the World
The Miracle of Death: There Is Nothing But Life

Jeilene Tracey
Jeilene helps women understand that the physical body is a direct expression of Source energy, a symphony of light and sound vibrating into form. We arrive at birth in a state of balance to our Prime State of Being, in alignment with our soul, Source, and Earth. As we live and experience separation, we stray from this Prime State and experience dis-ease and dis-harmony in our energetic systems. To bring all aspects of being back into balance, Jeilene developed the healing modality known as Vibrational Genetics. Working with multi-dimensional light beings, Jeilene intuitively scans your body and then channels light-infused healing tones to shift discordant DNA, cellular components, the microbial ecology, energetic density, timeline trauma, and more.
Given our current health and environmental crisis, it is more important than ever to reconnect to Earth, her energy, the web of life, and the beings that support her in order to reawaken our natural biorhythms of balance, harmony, and health.

Vera Sharav
A public advocate for human rights is the founder and president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP) which serves as an information resource and public interest watchdog organization whose goal is to unlock the walls of secrecy in biomedical research and bring accountability to that endeavor. AHRP Infomails have a wide following: they are read by physicians and scientists, public health officials, journalists, lawyers, and patient advocacy organizations.
Her advocacy achievements include: suspension of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pesticide experiment (CHEERS) on children; complaint led to two federal investigations on the use of children in foster care as guinea pigs in experimental AIDS drug and vaccine trials; suspension of smallpox vaccine on children; suspension of “violence prediction” experiment that exposed 6–11 year old NYC boys of color to fenfluramine ; opened a public debate about the ethics of relapse-inducing experiments in schizophrenia patients as well as many other medical abuses.
She has had many peer reviewed publications and spoken at many prestigious conferences and gatherings.