Whole Woman

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What Your Doctor Can’t Tell You About Prolapse

Andreas Vesalius made a mistake. 

The famous anatomist and medical illustrator got the actual alignment of the pelvis wrong and the error has never been corrected by medicine.

Oh, and he made this mistake five hundred years ago!

Doctors can’t help you with prolapse because they only know what they’re taught, and what they are taught was and is wrong

Despite numerous calls for correction over the past 80 years, the medical industry has built a multi-billion dollar business on the foundation of an anatomical error. 

This is why their methods are ineffective, dangerous, and do permanent surgical damage to over one million women every year in the US alone.

So if you are suspicious of the medical advice to have surgery for prolapse, you are right on. 

The problem is simply this.  Your pelvis is not oriented like a basin with the opening at the bottom, which requires a strong “pelvic floor” to keep your organs from falling out as you have been told. 

Your pelvis is a ring on its edge and the opening is at the back. Your bladder and uterus are happily supported by the pubic bones, which come together underneath you like straps of a saddle.  And the irony of all this is that any woman can verify this for herself in a few seconds. 

The so-called pelvic floor is actually a pelvic wall.

 The Root Cause of Prolapse

So why then do fifty to eighty percent of all women suffer prolapse at some point in their lives?

The answer may surprise you.

Since childhood, you’ve been taught, if not directly, then by example, to tuck your bottom, flatten your belly, and pull your shoulders back.

Unfortunately, this is a completely unnatural conformation of the female body.  The result of this unnatural posture is that the horizontal bony true pelvic floor, when tilted by tucking your bottom turns into a slide, and the bladder slides down into the vaginal space. It also forces you to reverse your natural breathing cycle.

Who knows how this got started, but it has been going on for generations.

The Postural Solution

The solution to all this medical craziness turns out to be postural, create accurate natural alignment, restrengthen your body to support your natural posture, and the problem takes care of itself.

What doctors don’t know, and which you can discover for yourself, is that prolapse is only a symptom, not a disease.  When you correct the underlying cause, the symptom disappears.

How I Learned This the Hard Way

I had to discover this for myself when I suffered a profound uterine prolapse when I was in nursing school.  I refused the surgery I was told was essential and struggled with my condition for years. 

Then an odd thing happened.  In a moment of desperation, I simply opened myself up, and much to my amazement a message came to me.  “You are experiencing your prolapse challenge for a reason, pay attention to it, solve the problem, and teach others.”

I spent literally the next few years ensconced in the medical school library, pouring over books and research studies in anatomy, gynecology, orthopedics, pediatrics, evolutionary biology, even 19th century medical texts. 

Little by little, the pieces of the puzzle fell together into a clear picture.  I quickly got my own prolapse under control, wrote my first book, Saving the Whole Woman and started teaching women what I had learned. 

Within a few weeks women were writing back that their symptoms were improving!

Since that time, my methods have kept thousands of women out of the operating room and leading full physically and sexually active lives in over sixty countries.

What I have learned over the years is that there are three pillars to the Whole Woman work.

  • Education
  • Support
  • Persistence

What I am here to share with you today is the educational products and support services I offer, which can stabilize and reverse your prolapse condition.

Persistence is your responsibility, but central to my discovering the Whole Woman work is that no one can resolve this issue but you. 

If you struggle with pelvic organ prolapse, cystocele (bladder), rectocele (rectum), or uterine, educating yourself about your anatomy and the root cause of your prolapse is the first step. 

First Aid for Prolapse

My video course, First Aid for Prolapse, will give you what you need to understand anatomically the root cause of prolapse, how to eliminate the root cause, and the many tips and tricks I’ve learned over more than two decades, which will keep you living your life comfortably and confidently without dangerous surgery. 

Here’s what comes with the course -

Part 1 - Essential Education

Welcome to Your First Aid for Prolapse Membership Portal

First Aid for Prolapse - Part One - The Whole Woman Solution

First Aid for Prolapse - Part Two - Why the Whole Woman Solution Works

First Aid for Prolapse - Part Three - Practical Whole Woman Living

Part 2 - Exercises

First Aid for Prolapse - The Whole Woman Yoga® Mat Workout

First Aid for Prolapse - The Whole Woman Dance Workout, including a dictionary of the dance movements

Part 3 - Additional Tools

Community Message Board

First Aid for Prolapse Tools - Why Whole Woman Tools?

First Aid for Prolapse Tools - Introduction and Whole Woman Breathing

First Aid for Prolapse Tools - Pelvic Rocks

First Aid for Prolapse Tools - Firebreathing

First Aid for Prolapse Tools - Nauli

First Aid for Prolapse Tools - Belly Tosses

First Aid for Prolapse Tools - Hip Turnout

First Aid for Prolapse Tools - Toileting

First Aid for Prolapse - Congratulations!

 So you can see, this video course is comprehensive, with specialized exercises to help you successfully manage your prolapse for the rest of your life without dangerous surgery. 

Let me share with you just a couple of the hundreds of success stories from the Whole Woman online forum…

Thank you for this site, the wise words and amazing advice which I have been following successfully for over five years. Through breathing, posture, exercises and life style changes you have given me a recipe for life, for health, independence and no risk natural answers to my cystocele and rectocele.

Everhopeful, UK

…I went online searching for SOME evidence somewhere for any information regarding prolapse and how to reverse it or at least stop it from progressing. That was when I found Christine's site!…I don't know why I didn't think to look sooner. Actually I did but the only thing I ever found on the subject just confirmed what the doctor's all said in that you cannot reverse prolapse and it worsens as you get older…

I thought SOMEONE must know how to deal with my prolapse. I simply refused to believe that it cannot be reversed!! AND THEN THERE SHE WAS!! I love Christine for this! I really do…

I can also tell you that the minute I assumed the correct posture I knew this is what my body wanted. What helps me to remember is when I feel the prolapse again. That is when I assume the posture again, and I can literally feel my organs go back into place. It feels soooooo good!! My body is so happy and it just feels so right…

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your life's work Christine. You are a blessing and I am so glad to be on the planet at the same time as you!


Please understand that everything in this video course is backed by solid science.

The reason your doctor can’t tell you about your prolapse is simple.

First, doctors are only allowed to practice what they are taught.  In many ways, medicine is a prison for the doctors.  Any deviation they make from established “standards of care” are met with swift and draconian retribution.  Who controls the “standards of care”?  The multinational drug and surgical supply companies who have zero interest in any natural and inexpensive approaches to resolving your condition.

Second, you and your doctor have an economic conflict of interest.  He or she only makes money in the operating room.  Gynecologists can’t support their overhead doing PAP smears.  Gynecology has become a multi-billion dollar industry, tragically at the cost to millions of women.

Now however, you have a legitimate, proven alternative to stabilize and reverse your prolapse.

Changing a lifetime of postural habits takes consistent time and attention. You have access to this full video course for one year. It will auto renew, but at only $25 per year for each subsequent year so you and continue to do the exercises and refresh your knowledge economically.

Support When You Need It

Additionally, you have access to the Whole Woman Community Message Board for help and support when you need it. 

Of course I do personal consultations, classes, Clinics and intensives for women, and also have personally trained and certified Whole Woman Practitioners in the US, Canada, Australia, Ireland, the UK, Germany, Belgium, and Ghana. 

So you are not alone and have many support options available to you.

About Access

Access to the First Aid for Pelvic Organ Prolapse video course is only US$ 197.00 for 12 full months.

Access will be automatically renewed at $25 for each subsequent year unless you cancel your renewal.  We take all major credit/debit cards as well as PayPal.

If your learning journey has taught you that learning about diet, natural health, and legitimate, science-based alternatives to the medical system is important, we offer an additional membership level - Lifelong Learner.

The Lifelong Learner membership gives you access to all six core video courses as well as all the additional Pay Per View video courses from Christine Kent.  For more information on the Lifelong Learner membership level, just click the Lifelong Learner button below.

What to do Next

One thing is clear about prolapse, it doesn’t get better when ignored, it gets worse.  The sooner you start your healing journey, the sooner you will feel the exhilaration of knowing that you are in control of your prolapse, it no longer is in control of your life, energy, and well-being.

Click the button below to begin the subscription that can transform your life.

Christine Kent
Whole Woman

Annual Subscription

$197.00 per year

  • Regain control of your pelvic health
  • Free yourself from the medical system
  • Learn the practical methods of self-care to stabilize and reverse prolapse
  • Auto renews for only $25 per year
Click to Start Healing Now

Monthly Payment Plan

$17.00 per month for 12 months

  • A one year commitment
  • Renewal for all subsequent years only $25.00 per year
  • The payment plan for when cash is tight
  • Gives you time to make the life changes that produce results
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Lifelong Learner

497.00 per year, 97 each subsequent year

  • Unlimited access to all currently available Whole Woman Videos
  • Access to any new videos released during the term of the subscription
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